September 18, 2014

Increasing Your Domain Authority Score


Hostway Team

domainauthorityThis is the final blog of “Maximizing Your Domain Authority,” a series of three entries on an increasingly crucial element of search engine optimization.

In our prior two entries in this series, we've discussed the importance of Domain Authority, and how to determine your DA score. Now, let's start trying to move it upward.

Here are four techniques for increasing your Domain Authority:

Be Their Guest: Guest blogging is one of the oldest ways of increasing domain authority. It helps you tap into the audience that the website or blog you're submitting to attracts, getting you a wider readership. It also gives you a chance to redirect quality, organic traffic to your website through the guest post. And the new audience reading your blog may share it on social media. Even if they don't visit your site, your post can generate traffic through them, increasing your DA.

Send Out Social Signals: In the smartphone era, more people are getting caught in the social media web. Studies indicate 60% of Americans now have a social media account that they check at least once a day. The social media boom has in turn changed the way Google functions. If your website is riding high on social media, it perceives your content to be good. Do the rounds on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and so on, and you'll send the right social signals to Google. So get active socially, and see your DA increase.

More Than Words: What’s more brain-deadening than a post that goes on and on with no visual/mental relief? Our already short attention spans grow even shorter when we’re online. Don't make your readers go through a 2,000-word article with no images. When creating content, don’t just think of words. Present the content graphically, via powerpoint or an infographic, or any kind of illustration. Presentations can help increase traffic to your website via crossposting to sites like Slideshare and YouTube. Infographics can help you rank higher in Google Image searches. So think different, and you’ll reap the rewards of increased DA.

Stay Fresh: A fan of your blog can be easily lost if he goes through all your posts, returns next week, and finds nothing new. Over time, having stagnant content will lead to you losing organic traffic. This affects your domain authority as well. If readers don’t like what they see, Google will also not like it. Googlebots are constantly looking for updated content to crawl through, and its absence does not send out a very good signal. So make sure your refresh your content regularly.

Finally: One simple step you can take to up your ante is to choose a good web hosting company for your website. Performance plays a crucial, though indirect, role in determining your DA. If your website is slow, or it fails to load in the browser altogether, your visitors will bounce off to another site, no matter how great your content is. If you have a WordPress site and are looking for WordPress hosting plans, choose one which is offered by a reputable host, and one that has got good reviews.

A techie by education and a digital marketing expert by profession with the heart of a writer, Sofia Brooks provides actionable insights and precise content in the field of technology, web hosting and internet marketing. Currently she works with IX Web Hosting, providing the best reviews on web designing, with an experience of 10 years into the same.

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